here is my all2theora script
(Thanks to my friend Zaher for fixing the Divx problem "-vf harddup")
(based on Florian Schilhabel
use Getopt::Long;
GetOptions( "help" => \$help,
"i=s" => \$input,
"divx=s" => \$divx, );
if ($help) {
print "Welcome to the ALL2theora Helper Script\n";
print "\n";
print "this script encodes a all file to theora\n";
print "Usage:\n";
print "--help show this text\n";
print " this will only be possible if you are root\n";
print "--i Specify the Name of your Video file\n";
if ($input eq "") {
print "No Input file selected - You must specify one with: --i filename.\n";
print "\n";
print "this script encodes a all file to theora\n";
print "Usage:\n";
print "--help show this text\n";
print " this will only be possible if you are root\n";
print "--i Specify the Name of your Video file\n";
if ($divx eq "on") {
system ("mkfifo stream.yuv && chmod 777 stream.yuv && mencoder $input -ovc lavc -oac copy -o tmp.avi -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:vbitrate=1200 -vf harddup -of mpeg && mplayer -vc dummy -vo null -ao pcm:file=stream.wav tmp.avi && encoder_example stream.wav stream.yuv > theora.ogg | mplayer -ao null -nosound -vo yuv4mpeg tmp.avi - 1>/dev/tty7 8>/dev/tty7 && rm stream.yuv && rm stream.wav && rm tmp.avi");
if ($divx eq "off") {
system ("mkfifo stream.yuv && chmod 777 stream.yuv && mplayer -vc dummy -vo null -ao pcm:file=stream.wav $input && encoder_example stream.wav stream.yuv > theora.ogg | mplayer -ao null -nosound -vo yuv4mpeg $input - 1>/dev/tty7 8>/dev/tty7 && rm stream.yuv && rm stream.wav");
if ($divx eq "") {
system ("mkfifo stream.yuv && chmod 777 stream.yuv && mplayer -vc dummy -vo null -ao pcm:file=stream.wav $input && encoder_example stream.wav stream.yuv > theora.ogg | mplayer -ao null -nosound -vo yuv4mpeg $input - 1>/dev/tty7 8>/dev/tty7 && rm stream.yuv && rm stream.wav");
print "Video Filename: $input\n";
print "working...\n";
Licence: GPL
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